School Uniform

At Trinity Oaks we choose to have a uniform and believe that it:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in our school

  • Helps to create a sense of community and belonging

  • Supports our commitment to inclusion

  • Should be smart and practical

  • Should be good value for money

Our distinctive logo is a triquetra symbolising the Holy Trinity set in a heart. ‘The school in the heart of the community’. Our school colours are burgundy and yellow/gold worn with grey and white.

A full list of uniform is set out here:

The role of parents

We ask for the support of parents to ensure that children have the correct uniform, that it is in good repair and that every item of clothing is named. If any parent has difficulty meeting this request they are asked to speak to us confidentially.

The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes different to the school uniform, the school will consider such requests sympathetically. Please speak to the Headteacher about this.

Please note

All items need to be named so they can easily be returned if lost.

Long hair should be tied back. Hair fastenings/accessories should be small and match the school uniform colours. No large bows or flowers please.

The use of hair styling products should be kept to a minimum. Children should not have decorative patterns cut into hair or have hair coloured or dyed. Hair extentions are not appropriate for Primary aged children.

No jewellery should be worn. If children have pierced ears they should wear simple studs or sleepers. Ear rings have to be removed or covered for PE for health and safety reasons. Watches should be small and simple in design. Smart watches are not permitted at school for safeguarding reasons.

Nail varnish and make up should be removed for school. We will also ask parents to remove children’s tattoos/transfers if they are visible.

Children should wear shoes. Boots are not suitable inside classrooms

Uniform List

Items marked with * can be ordered through our school uniform provider, Brigade. A link to their website is here.

Prices for sweatshirts will change slightly on 29th March 2025. Details can be found here.

Other items can be purchased at supermarkets or clothes shops.

Infants (Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2)

  • Trinity Oaks C of E Primary School burgundy crew neck sweatshirt/sweat cardigan*

  • Yellow polo shirt

  • Dark grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

  • Dark grey or white socks and dark grey tights

  • Black shoes (please ensure these are sturdy and can be fastened independently by your child)

  • PE Kit: Trinity Oaks PE bag, T shirt and shorts*. Please also provide a pair of trainers for outdoor PE lessons

  • Optional Trinity Oaks burgundy fleece*

  • Trinity Oaks rucksack*

  • In cool/wet weather an outdoor coat with hood and in summer a cap/sunhat.

  • A pair of wellies (Nursery and Reception) –for outdoor play and walks in the local area.

Junior classes (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

  • Grey trousers, shorts or skirt

  • Long or short sleeved white shirt with school tie*

  • Burgundy cardigan or V-necked jumper (*cotton rich jumpers and cardigans with the school logo are available through Parentmail)

  • School burgundy back pack*

  • Grey or black socks under trousers and grey tights or grey/white socks with skirts

  • Black shoes

  • Optional Trinity Oaks burgundy fleece*.

Junior PE kit

  • Yellow T shirt* (with the school logo available on the School Trends website)

  • Black shorts or joggers in winter months

  • Trainers

  • Burgundy PE hoodie * (optional available with school logo on Parentmail).