Important dates for your diary
End of Autumn Term - 1:30pm finish
One more opportunity to wear your Christmas jumper to school!
School finishes early at 1.30pm today.
Christmas Jumper Day (again)!
Celebrate the last day of term by wearing your Christmas jumper to school.
Remember that we finish early today at 1.30pm.
Christmas Jumper and Lunch Day!
Wear your Christmas jumper to school today and enjoy a delicious Christmas lunch. Details about lunch will follow.
Christmas service and performance years 3, 4, 5 and 6
St Bart’s Church, Church Road, RH6 8AB. Letter to Parents.
Nativity - years 1 and 2
School hall. Please enter by the carpark door.
There is another performance of the same production on Wednesday 11th December at 9am.
Nativity - years 1 and 2
School hall. Please enter by the carpark door.
There is another performance of the same production on Friday 13th December at 9am.
Decorate our Christmas Tree
From today our Christmas tree will be up outside the school office and ready to be decorated with ornaments made by the children.
Children in Need Day - MUFTI £1
Children may come to school dressed in their own clothes (no team kits from any sport please) for a suggested donation of £1.