Five years on from our initial inspection, we were visited by Ofsted in April 2022 with a Section 8 Inspection over two days.
We are delighted that the conclusion of the Inspector was that Trinity Oaks continues to be a good school. Please see the report attached.
Ofsted highlights that ‘Parents and carers praise Trinity Oaks as an ‘incredibly welcoming, nurturing school at the heart of our local community.’ The school’s Christian ethos underpins everyday life and pupils’ personal development is at the core of the curriculum.’ As one quote in the report states, ‘Everyone here is so kind.’
We are proud that the strength of our developing curriculum is clear with the inspector recognising that ‘the curriculum is broad….and prepares pupils well for their next steps and future learning’. The hard work and effort of all our staff is acknowledged with particular strengths in EYFS, Maths, PE and SEN provision being a real achievement for our whole school community. Comments such as ‘Pupils enjoy mathematics’, ’Pupils with SEND learn well alongside their peers’ and ‘Teachers ensure that developing pupils’ resilience and well-being is at the heart of the curriculum’ encapsulates the vision and ethos of Trinity Oaks.
Congratulations to all our pupils who ‘play happily…socialise well at break- and lunchtimes… and are considerate of others and polite’. Ofsted have once again recognised the excellent behaviour and respect that children at Trinity Oaks display.
We look forward to continuing to grow and develop as a school and are committed to addressing areas of development such as communication, embedding reading and further developing our foundation subjects.
We would like to thank the whole school community for all their support for Trinity Oaks.
As a Church of England School we are also subject to a Church School Inspection.
It is of course important that the work of the school and its effectiveness is evaluated as a continual process. This is carried out by working closely with our Local Authority partners and advisors from the Southwark Diocese Board of Education.
As for all schools parents and carers are invited to visit the Ofsted Parent View website to record their views on different aspects of the school.