Reception Class Admissions September 2025
Applications for Reception Class places are now closed.
Once places have been offered and accepted, we will update this section of our website with information relevant to parents whose children will be joining us in September 2025.
Special Educational Needs
If your child has been diagnosed with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or you think they may have SEN which have not yet been diagnosed, please visit the SEND section of our website where you will find further information and a link to contact Mrs Marnie Fisher who is our Inclusion Lead and SENCo.
Church School
Trinity Oaks is the first Church of England (Voluntary Aided) school in the Horley area.
Our school is distinctively Christian but is also responsive to the needs of the local community and families of all religious faiths are valued and warmly welcomed. Daily life is rooted in Christian teaching and values and we ask all parents of whatever faith, or none, to recognise and support this ethos and its importance to the School.
We have close links with the Horley Parish Team Ministry. This is made up of the three churches of St Bartholomew, St Francis and St Wilfrid.
Reverend Canon Les Wells, Reverend Vic Stone and Pastor Tim Hill are regular visitors to the school and often lead collective worship.
The children and staff will attend Church for important celebrations and the school also helps to promote Church events to parents where relevant.
Voluntary Aided School
Trinity Oaks Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Aided school under the Diocese of Southwark. Our Board of Governors receive support and advice from the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education on many areas of school life including admissions, inspections, worship and religious education.
One of the things that make a Voluntary Aided school different from other schools is that the Board of Governors, through its School Maintenance Fund, is responsible to the Diocese of Southwark for a proportion of any major building development and maintenance costs. For this reason we ask all parents to make an annual voluntary contribution to the Fund to help ensure that in the coming years we can keep our school premises up to the standard that our children deserve.
You can learn more about The Horley Team Ministry and the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education by clicking the buttons below.
Wraparound Care at Trinity Oaks
Treetops wraparound care at Trinity Oaks provides high quality out-of-hours childcare to support parents and carers. The club provides a range of engaging and creative activities in a safe environment, led by qualified and professional school staff. Treetops is open to any children who are on roll at Trinity Oaks Primary School, from Pre-school to Year 6.
Breakfast at Treetops operates from 7.45am – 8.40am and Teatime at Treetops operates from 3.10pm – 6.00pm during term time only. The costs for the 2024-25 academic year are £6 for breakfast club and £14 for after school club. These prices may increase next year. Both clubs provide hot and cold food for the children.
To find out more about Treetops and ‘meet’ the team please click on the button below.