Spring Term 2025 - first half of term

After School and Lunchtime Club Information

Monday - Art Sparks - Years 2-6

First session 13th January

Time: 3.15 – 4.15pm

Location: Classroom (Year 3 - Willow)

Art Sparks: kimventer@gmail.com

Tuesday - Makaton Club - Years 4-6 *LUNCH CLUB*

First session 14th January

Time: 12 - 12:30pm Years 4-6

Location: Year 5 Classroom

Victoria Stone - Horley Ministry Team - book via SCOPAY

Tuesday - Songs and Stories for Kids - Years 2-5

First session 14th January

Time: 3.10 – 4:00pm

Location: Classroom

Pastor Tim - book via SCOPAY

Tuesday - Football - Years 1-3

This is a new club for Spring 2025

First session 14th January

Time: 3.10 – 4:10pm

Location: Outside (if the weather is very bad, the hall can be used instead)

Visionary Sports - https://www.visionarysportsacademy.co.uk/book-online

Wednesday - Craft Club - Years 1 & 2 *LUNCH CLUB*

First session 15th January

Time: 12.30 – 12.55pm

Location: Year 5 Classroom

Miss Burrage - book via SCOPAY

Wednesday - Gymnastics - All year groups

First session 8th January

Time: 3.10 – 4:10pm

Location: School Hall

Ella Sharman - ellasticsgymnastics@hotmail.com

Wednesday - Ukelele - Years 3-6

First session 15th January

Time: 3.10 – 4:10pm

Location: Classroom

Dom Harvey - guitar.repair@live.co.uk

Thursday - Gymnastics - All year groups

This is a new club starting in Spring term 2025

First session 9th January

Time: 3.10 – 4:10pm

Location: School Hall

Ella Sharman - ellasticsgymnastics@hotmail.com

Thursday - Choir - Years 3-6

Please note this is only available to those children who attended in the Autumn term, due to the Dorking Halls performance being in March

First session 16th January

Time: 3.10 – 4.00pm

Location: Classroom

Mrs Clauson and Mrs Izod - book via SCOPAY

Friday - Taylor Swift Club - Years 5 & 6 *LUNCH CLUB*

First session 16th January

Time: 12 - 12.30pm

Location: Year 4 Classroom

Mrs Woods - book via SCOPAY

Friday - Dance - All year groups

First session 6th September

Final session 15th November

Time: 3.15 – 4.15pm

Location: School Hall

Zapphire Dance - Charlotte Earle - zapphiredance@gmail.com

Friday - Football - Years 4-6

First session 10th January

Time: 3.10 – 4.10pm

Location: Playing Field

MV Coaching - mvcoaching121@gmail.com