School Lunches and Healthy Schools Award
School lunches
All the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at Trinity Oaks are entitled to a free, hot and nutritious 2 course meal (known as a Universal Free School Meal or UFSM). This is provided by Twelve15 (formerly Surrey Commercial Services) and further information can be found on their website.
Meals are cooked on site by our own cook, Kirsty, and her team. The children sit and eat in family groups with adult supervision. The benefits of eating together in this way have been shown to be physical, academic and social. The expectation is that all parents will take up the offer of a hot lunch for their child.
If your child continues to have school lunches from Year 3, there is a charge of £2.80 per day which is subject to annual increase by Twelve15. Children have a choice of 2 or 3 options each day and they book their lunch when they come into the classroom in the morning. The current menu is available here.
Medical, ethical and religious dietary needs can be catered for and the current menus are available to view here. Twelve15 manage Special Diets requests. To download a Special Diet Request Form please click here. Like most schools we are a ‘nut free school’.
Packed lunches
For some children and families we understand that a packed lunch is the preferred option. When making your child’s packed lunch please remember to provide healthy nutritional items, unhealthy snacks such as crisps, sweets and chocolate bars are not allowed at school. Further guidance can be found here.
Remember that water is provided for all the children on the lunch tables so there is no need to include a drink.
All children in Nursery and Reception at Trinity Oaks are offered a glass of milk during the morning through the Coolmilk Scheme, a government initiative offering all children under 5 free milk.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme provides a piece of fresh fruit or a vegetable daily to Reception and Key Stage one children free of charge. The fruit and vegetables are delivered to schools three times a week to ensure freshness and include, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, tomatoes and easy-peel citrus fruits, such as satsumas. There is no registration process for this, however if you do not want your child to participate in this scheme please let us know.
Drinking Water
Drinking water through the day is widely known to be beneficial to pupils’ health and ability to learn. Please provide your child with a named water bottle of water each day. This can be refilled if necessary through the day.
Birthday Celebrations
Celebrating a birthday is very important to small children and we will include activities to make children feel extra special on their birthday. Please do not send children to school with cakes and sweets to distribute on their birthday-this can be saved for home. Instead parents are invited to buy a book to donate to the class and a special label inside will record this.