Key Stage 2 (7-11years)
We divide Key Stage 2 into lower Key Stage 2 (years 3 and 4) and upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6).
Key Stage 2 Curriculum
The Key Stage 2 curriculum is carefully planned to build on prior knowledge and skills learnt in KS1 and to prepare children for their secondary education.
Our curriculum is based on and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum in England and this forms the core knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils need to acquire by the end of the Key Stage.
Learning in Key Stage 2 takes place within the context of over-arching topics or themes. These are designed to engage pupils and develop their understanding of different contexts. Learning in this enriched, cross-curricular way helps children to make explicit links between different areas of their learning.
Each day the children have English and mathematics lessons. In English there is an increased focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar and in mathematics on learning tables and developing reasoning skills. We teach the children to apply the skills learnt in these core subjects across the curriculum. In this way they practise, consolidate and embed their learning. Pupils have computer science lessons and receive regular guidance on how to stay safe on line.
The curriculum is linked to whole school events and festivals through the year such as learning about Diwali or Remembrance Sunday. Wherever possible pupils learn from first-hand experiences, working outdoors as well as in the classroom.
Parent Voice
“My children have a real love of learning which is nurtured and developed at the school. They are a very encouraging and supportive school. I’m very glad that my children are happy!”