Assessment and Reporting

 At Trinity Oaks, we assess children's progress at the end of each term. Progress is then shared with parents through an 'End of Term Attainment Report' (at the end of the Autumn and Spring Terms) or through the comprehensive 'End of Year Report' (at the end of the Summer Term).

Staff in the Early Years rely on observations of children to gain an understanding of progress, while in Key Stages 1 and 2 teachers use nationally standardised tests alongside their observations and class-based evidence.

In the Autumn Term of 2024, we began including the standardised scores from these tests in each child's report. Information for parents about the standardised scores, what they mean and how they are used, can be found in the letters below.

Statutory Assessments

In addition to the assessments that teachers carry out in school to form their judgements, children will also take part in statutory assessments set out by the government during their time in Primary School. These are:

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

The foundation stage profile assessment is made at the end of the Reception year and marks the culmination of the early years’ phase of education. It does not involve any tests; instead it is an observational assessment carried out in class, over time. The EYFSP involves assessments made against the 17 Early Learning Goals.

Phonics Screening Check (PSC)

The phonics screening check, often referred to as the phonics test, takes place in June of Year 1. Pupils that do not pass in Year 1 will take the test again in June of Year 2. Pupils attempt to decode (i.e. read out loud to a teacher) 40 words, 20 of which are ‘real’ and 20 of which are ‘alien’ (i.e. made up). The pass mark is usually set at 32/40.

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

The MTC takes place at the end of Year 4. It involves pupils attempting to answer 25 multiplication tables questions via an online portal; they have 6 seconds to answer each question. Unlike the phonics screening check, there is no official pass mark but the expectation is that pupils answer all questions correctly.

Key Stage 2 SATS (KS2)

KS2 assessment takes place in the summer term of Year 6 and marks the end of the primary phase of education. Over the course of a week in May, Year 6 pupils sit tests in Reading (1 paper); Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (2 papers), and Maths (3 papers). Unlike other primary school assessments, the test papers are collected and marked externally – much like GCSE exams – and schools receive the results in July.